One on one walks with your furry friends or walks with dogs from the same household.
30 minute walk in the local area.
1 hour walk minimum in the local area or to a local nature area or secure hired field. Often longer including collection and drop off.
Up to 2 additional dogs from the same household for an additional £10.
Contact us for other information for quotes on any other additions.
Group walks for friendly and well socialised pets from different households. Dogs will be introduced into the groups slowly.
Group walks are minimum of 1 hour. Often longer including collection and drop offs. Walking locations depend on the group of the day.
Additional dog from the same household who also integrates into the group for an extra £8.
Daily pet checks for your smaller pets who still matter! Suitable for rabbits, budgies, hamsters, guinea pigs etc.
Check includes food, water, cleanliness and cuddles.
Discounted rate for 2 mini pet checks per day.
Good option for holiday cover for mini pets.
Additional mini pets in the same household charged at £3 per mini pet.
Mini Pet Checks can be combined with other pet checks on request.
Daily pet checks for dogs/puppies, cats/kittens and larger pets who require more social interaction. Perfect for elderly animals too.
Check included food, water, cleanliness and play!
Discounted rate for 2 pet checks required in the same day or for a longer 1 hour period once per day.
Good option for holiday cover for cats for morning and night visits.
Additional pets in the same household charged at £5 to extend the time needed to socialise and cover the basic needs of pets.
I will stay in your home providing house security and comfort to your pets. Pets must be able to stay on their own for 4 hours at a time during daylight hours. Other overnight care for longer periods will be quoted on a client by client basis depending on pet size, age and length of stay.
6pm-8am overnight stay including 2 short walks. Weekend additional rates apply.
Friday 6pm-Sunday 8am including daily walks.
Extension on times can be quoted on request.
Additional pets in the same household charged at £5 each for longer periods of time being spent in the home to provide more socialisation and longer walks.
Services below quoted on request depending on type of pet and times required.
We chaperone your pet to your big day.
Assisting you or your pet at a show day.
Attending check ups or grooming appointments with your pet for you.
We can help transport your pet if you require any assistance. Services below quoted depending on type of pet and times and distance required.
Check ups or vet appointments that you need assistance with.
Training classes that you need assistance at or getting to.
Invoices will be sent via email on the Sunday immediately following the service taking place. Invoices will state a payment due date. Payment, wherever possible, should be made via Online Banking. Please contact for details.
None refundable deposits may be required for certain services which will be agreed upon terms of service being signed.
Full payment will be required by BACS if you cancel any booking within 72 hours of its start time.
Other terms of service, payment and cancellation agreements will be confirmed in writing in your service agreements.